Christianity Today
Illustration for a book review of C. Christopher Smith’s “Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus.

Suburban Hospital, Bethesda
Booklet cover for Cardiac Care/Heart Center.

Registered Nurse Journal
A story about nurse's safety at work, physically as well as mentally.

Confidante Magazine
The ancient healing art of reflexology serves to release tension and revitalize the body.

Patient Care Magazine
Preparing doctors for patients suffering from allergic reactions and poisonous bites of insects.

The Progressive Magazine
An interview with Michael Pollan, whose books “The Onmivore’s Dilemma” and “In Defence of Food” explore the industrialization of food.

Pharmacy Practice Magazine
How to help patients cope with multidrug therapies for acute coronary syndromes.

Utne Reade Magazine
At the root of the latest buzzword lies a challenging path to enlightenment.

The Lawrentian,
The Lawrenceville School
A successful application tells a story, the pieces support each other and a coherent sensibility emerges that, strangely enough, makes the reader feel connected to the faraway student.

CA Magazine,
Chartered Accountants of Canada
When is a fair share not a fair shake? A marriage breakup is not only painful, it can be very costly for one or the other partner.

The American Lawyer - Student Edition,
American Lawyer Media
Law schools close the gap between an ideal vision and reality of a lawyer’s life.

Canadian Lawyer Magazine,
What if you’ve decided it’s been a great career but the time has arrived to take your name off the shingle and move on? What will your retirement income be and what becomes of your firm and your clients in your absence?

Christianity Today
Illustration for a book review of C. Christopher Smith’s “Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus.
Suburban Hospital, Bethesda
Booklet cover for Cardiac Care/Heart Center.
Registered Nurse Journal
A story about nurse's safety at work, physically as well as mentally.
Confidante Magazine
The ancient healing art of reflexology serves to release tension and revitalize the body.
Patient Care Magazine
Preparing doctors for patients suffering from allergic reactions and poisonous bites of insects.
The Progressive Magazine
An interview with Michael Pollan, whose books “The Onmivore’s Dilemma” and “In Defence of Food” explore the industrialization of food.
Pharmacy Practice Magazine
How to help patients cope with multidrug therapies for acute coronary syndromes.
Utne Reade Magazine
At the root of the latest buzzword lies a challenging path to enlightenment.
The Lawrentian,
The Lawrenceville School
A successful application tells a story, the pieces support each other and a coherent sensibility emerges that, strangely enough, makes the reader feel connected to the faraway student.
CA Magazine,
Chartered Accountants of Canada
When is a fair share not a fair shake? A marriage breakup is not only painful, it can be very costly for one or the other partner.
The American Lawyer - Student Edition,
American Lawyer Media
Law schools close the gap between an ideal vision and reality of a lawyer’s life.
Canadian Lawyer Magazine,
What if you’ve decided it’s been a great career but the time has arrived to take your name off the shingle and move on? What will your retirement income be and what becomes of your firm and your clients in your absence?