McGraw-Hill Education
Illustrations for a short story by Katherine Mansfield

Dowland Contracting Magazine
Dowland Contracting is a design-build specialist, providing expertise and innovative solutions to the unique challenges of the North.

Christianity Today
Illustration for a book review of C. Christopher Smith’s “Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus.

Christianity Today
Illustration a book review of Jenell Williams Paris’s “What Our Body Knows About God: How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive”.

Common Ground Magazine,
Community Associations Institute
After falling victim to embezzlement, association boards face an uphill struggle to recover their homeowners’ funds.

Common Ground Magazine,
Community Associations Institute
After falling victim to embezzlement, association boards face an uphill struggle to recover their homeowners’ funds.

Pacific Opera Victoria, 2002.03
Alban Berg’s Wozzeck is alienated by society, haunted by visions and sinking in despair in this contemporary psychodrama.

Pacific Opera Victoria, 2002.03
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart creates a bewildering maze of love, promises, secret schemes and disguises for Susanna and Figaro.

Canadian Grocer Magazine
Examining the clash between Costco and it‘s new U.S. combatant, Sam’s Club.

Vanderbilt Magazine,
Vanderbilt University
Questioning the future of libraries—the kinds of information and the pathways to access it are dramatically different.

Harvard Business Review
Examining issues that companies face when seeking charismatic new leaders.

The Washington Post
A list the top 25 operas to own for your home entertainment centre.

The Washington Post
Theatre expansion and renovation in the D.C. area.

McGraw-Hill Education
Illustrations for a short story by Katherine Mansfield
Dowland Contracting Magazine
Dowland Contracting is a design-build specialist, providing expertise and innovative solutions to the unique challenges of the North.
Christianity Today
Illustration for a book review of C. Christopher Smith’s “Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus.
Christianity Today
Illustration a book review of Jenell Williams Paris’s “What Our Body Knows About God: How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive”.
Common Ground Magazine,
Community Associations Institute
After falling victim to embezzlement, association boards face an uphill struggle to recover their homeowners’ funds.
Common Ground Magazine,
Community Associations Institute
After falling victim to embezzlement, association boards face an uphill struggle to recover their homeowners’ funds.
Pacific Opera Victoria, 2002.03
Alban Berg’s Wozzeck is alienated by society, haunted by visions and sinking in despair in this contemporary psychodrama.
Pacific Opera Victoria, 2002.03
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart creates a bewildering maze of love, promises, secret schemes and disguises for Susanna and Figaro.
Canadian Grocer Magazine
Examining the clash between Costco and it‘s new U.S. combatant, Sam’s Club.
Vanderbilt Magazine,
Vanderbilt University
Questioning the future of libraries—the kinds of information and the pathways to access it are dramatically different.
Harvard Business Review
Examining issues that companies face when seeking charismatic new leaders.
The Washington Post
A list the top 25 operas to own for your home entertainment centre.
The Washington Post
Theatre expansion and renovation in the D.C. area.